To achieve results, Public Engagement Associates utilizes a wide range of both face-to-face and online engagement tools to actively involve and empower participants to express their views. This generates authentic citizen feedback, which increases stakeholder confidence in both the process and the outcomes.
We Generate Results
Insightful Analysis: We provide a fresh perspective on existing project challenges to help you map the quickest, most effective path to progress.
Inclusive Demographics: We recruit a wide range of citizens, residents, and stakeholders to the table, even those who are usually too busy or hard to reach.
Informed Participation: We create discussion and presentation materials to ensure you receive highly useful feedback and recommendations.
Productive Common Ground: We facilitate civil, dynamic deliberation in which citizens and stakeholders work through differences and facilitate internal agency discussions with staff to develop shared agreement on priorities.
Practical Results: We deliver shared priorities and recommendations, broadly supported by a cross-section of your community or internally, with your key staff.
Sustained Impact: We involve community leaders, stakeholders, and citizens throughout the initiative to support the visibility and underscore the legitimacy of the process and the results.
“Thank you!! We all feel that Tuesday was another really successful NoMa Parks Community Conversation. We’re grateful for your guidance in developing and facilitating the meeting, and your support in outreach efforts continues to bear much fruit in the way of new, engaged attendees.”-
-Stacie West, Director of Park Projects, NoMa Parks Foundation